Friday, April 24, 2009


This are real flowers. I have not painted them. I bought them that way. Cool huh?Hi everyone!

I wanted to share with you some things we have been doing for our house. I love flowers...especially Gebera Daisies. I have always, always wanted to have a flower box under my bedroom window.

Well, last night, Dennis made that a reality for me. We had purchased these really pretty wire racks that hold up rectangular flower boxes. So, I bought all different colors of Geberas and we planted them. Dennis hung up the racks and we placed the pots on the side of the house. It looks sooooo awesome!

Doesn't that look really good? It's so neat. I love it. When we open the blinds you can see flowers out our window now. I am so excited about it!

Well, off for now!

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