Monday, January 3, 2011

Here's to 2011

2011! Wow! Where did 2010 go? For that matter...where did my 20's go? I always told myself that I would not be one of "those" people. The people who freak out over turning 30. I have to be the "30's" bear down on me...I must admit...I'm not looking forward to it. I will except it with grace only because I have to. I have no choice...Ready or it comes.

What do I have to look forward to? Hopefully children, continued success in my career and online store, staying in shape (this is the fittest I have been since my cross country days of 2000). I am sure there are more, but it's midnight and I have to be up at 5:30AM to go to the gym with my friend.

So, thank you to all my friends who have paved the way for me...30 Here I come!

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